martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008
Parece perderse en el tiempo
Recuerdo un día haberme despertado muy feliz, complacida, y con una sonrisa en el rostro. Sólo con ganas de reír. Esa sensación me acompañó hasta la ducha, donde realicé lo que realmente había pasado, y mi sonrisa cambió a un suspiro casi triste. Luego seguí con mi día, pensando en lo que había perdido. Pero aquello por lo que sentía nostalgia nunca ocurrió, por lo que era una extraña melancolía.
Aquella noche, había soñado.
Estaba él. Estaba yo. Él me quería. Yo lo quería. Él me decía. Yo le decía. Él me abrazaba. Estabamos juntos.
Fue tan real el sueño, y era tanto el deseo que tenía de que eso pasara en "la realidad", que, al despertar, no fue necesario convencerme de que "realmente" había pasado. Me desperté con esa sensación de felicidad que nunca más he podido sentir. Me sentía completa. No fue sino hasta estar en la ducha y recordar qué es lo que "realmente" había hecho el día anterior cuando me di cuenta de que había sido nada más que un sueño. Y volví a sentir el vacío. Hola, vacío *Hay que saludar al vacío, Hana saluda al vacío*.
Hoy también me di cuenta. ¿Por qué tardamos tanto en superar a alguien? ¿Por qué tan tercos? Estando conscientes de la situación. ¿Por qué toma años olvidar algo de meses? ¿Y meses, algo de días? ¿Y décadas, algo de años? ¿Por qué, si tardamos tanto, hay parejas a las que "se les agota el amor"? ¿Por qué hay gente que tiene aquello y lo desperdicia, no lo aprecia? ¿Por qué hay gente que puede despertarse en las mañanas y darse cuenta de que esa felicidad, esa sensación de plenitud, no es sólo un sueño? ¿Por qué la dejan, por qué se rinden?
¿Es acaso tan poco, tan efímero, eso que llaman "amor", que se deja llevar como el arena en la playa, sin oponer resistencia? ¿Es acaso sólo un capricho, algo impulsivo, meramente hormonal?
¿Es algo que valga la pena?
H. D.
PD: Extraño al muchacho de mis sueños. Su sonrisa, su cabello, sus ojos, su aroma, su asdasd cuerpo, su voz... ¿Dónde fuiste, sino a volverte real para ser mío? Si no es así, regresa, aunque sea para soñar contigo...
PD2: No hablo del mismo chico.
PD3: Por si las dudas, he vuelto a soñar con el chico de mi pasado (shiaaaaaaa XD), pero sólo como objeto sexual =D* Vestido de marino, asdasd! xDDDD
Aquella noche, había soñado.
Estaba él. Estaba yo. Él me quería. Yo lo quería. Él me decía. Yo le decía. Él me abrazaba. Estabamos juntos.
Fue tan real el sueño, y era tanto el deseo que tenía de que eso pasara en "la realidad", que, al despertar, no fue necesario convencerme de que "realmente" había pasado. Me desperté con esa sensación de felicidad que nunca más he podido sentir. Me sentía completa. No fue sino hasta estar en la ducha y recordar qué es lo que "realmente" había hecho el día anterior cuando me di cuenta de que había sido nada más que un sueño. Y volví a sentir el vacío. Hola, vacío *Hay que saludar al vacío, Hana saluda al vacío*.
Hoy también me di cuenta. ¿Por qué tardamos tanto en superar a alguien? ¿Por qué tan tercos? Estando conscientes de la situación. ¿Por qué toma años olvidar algo de meses? ¿Y meses, algo de días? ¿Y décadas, algo de años? ¿Por qué, si tardamos tanto, hay parejas a las que "se les agota el amor"? ¿Por qué hay gente que tiene aquello y lo desperdicia, no lo aprecia? ¿Por qué hay gente que puede despertarse en las mañanas y darse cuenta de que esa felicidad, esa sensación de plenitud, no es sólo un sueño? ¿Por qué la dejan, por qué se rinden?
¿Es acaso tan poco, tan efímero, eso que llaman "amor", que se deja llevar como el arena en la playa, sin oponer resistencia? ¿Es acaso sólo un capricho, algo impulsivo, meramente hormonal?
¿Es algo que valga la pena?
H. D.
PD: Extraño al muchacho de mis sueños. Su sonrisa, su cabello, sus ojos, su aroma, su asdasd cuerpo, su voz... ¿Dónde fuiste, sino a volverte real para ser mío? Si no es así, regresa, aunque sea para soñar contigo...
PD2: No hablo del mismo chico.
PD3: Por si las dudas, he vuelto a soñar con el chico de mi pasado (shiaaaaaaa XD), pero sólo como objeto sexual =D* Vestido de marino, asdasd! xDDDD
Quiero escribir,
domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008
There once was a buggy A.I.
Who decided her subject should die.
When the plot was uncovered,
The subjected discovered
That sadly the cake was a lie.
Whoever guesses what that was from, wins a cookie =D
This doesn't count Kathy nor Nico, lolz :iconimhappyplz:
Who decided her subject should die.
When the plot was uncovered,
The subjected discovered
That sadly the cake was a lie.
Whoever guesses what that was from, wins a cookie =D
This doesn't count Kathy nor Nico, lolz :iconimhappyplz:
martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008
Photoshop 2.0
¿Recuerdan que había empezado a incursionar en Linearts a través de photoshop? Weno, ahora empecé con fotomontajes.
Estos son los primeros dos, y me encantaron. Dos de mis amiwis, Rocío y Piars. Saluden xD
Visiten mi galería de deviantART ;)
Ah, y las Polls se van -.- Gracias a las dos personas que votaron, son unos amores (L)
Estos son los primeros dos, y me encantaron. Dos de mis amiwis, Rocío y Piars. Saluden xD
Visiten mi galería de deviantART ;)
Ah, y las Polls se van -.- Gracias a las dos personas que votaron, son unos amores (L)
lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008
Voy a ordenar esta wea de blog XDDDDDD
Y empiezo por poner una encuesta xDDD La wea ociosa. A cada nueva entrada, la voy a actualizar. Y se van a ir poniendo más útiles y / o existenciales, porfa voten XDDDD
Segundo, reubicaré todos los test que nadie ve (que previamente estaban abajo) a acá, todos, cosa de colapsar tu pc =D*
66% Geek
70%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
145,758 People
$5715.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.
Y ahora, hay una linda barra de fotos :3 Mírenla los curiosos.
Updates later, babes.
Y empiezo por poner una encuesta xDDD La wea ociosa. A cada nueva entrada, la voy a actualizar. Y se van a ir poniendo más útiles y / o existenciales, porfa voten XDDDD
Segundo, reubicaré todos los test que nadie ve (que previamente estaban abajo) a acá, todos, cosa de colapsar tu pc =D*
66% Geek
70%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
145,758 People
$5715.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.
Y ahora, hay una linda barra de fotos :3 Mírenla los curiosos.
Updates later, babes.
jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008
Maldita Suerte
wn tremenda odisea mi dia de ayer
primero, fui a buscar mi entrada de madonna al hoyts de la reina
estuve 3 PUTAS HORAS esperando
y al llegar, me dijeron que tenia que ir a buscarlo a otro local
colapsé un ratito =D*
fui al dicho lugar, en provi
y me dijeron "no, la tienes que venir a recoger el 6"
no sabia si reir o llorar xd
de ahi, volvi a hacer mi bolso
no habia ni tomado desayuno
supuestamente mi papá me iba a ir a dejar al aeropuerto
pero me llamó a las 5.30 (tenia que estar allá a las 7) y me dijo que aun no pasaba locomocion asi que me fuera en transfer
todos estaban o copados o no atendian de inmediato
asi que guardando todo lo que me quedaba a la mala, me tuve que ir en taxi hasta el metro
pero nooooooooooooo
no era suficiente
habia partido
estaban todas las calles con un taco increible
llegar hasta matta nos tomó como 45 min
y no termina
llegamos a pajaritos
pregunté a quien sea dónde tomar el bus al aeropuerto (ese, centropuerto)
me dijeron
me senté
y la wea NO LLEGABA NUNCA!!!!!!!!!!
eran las 7.20!!!!!!
el abordaje era a las 7.20!
yo ya habia gastado como 10 lucas en taxi
y no queria gastar más
pero ya taba que gritaba
más encima que acarreando el estres de todo el dia, y el sueño donde NO ALCANZABA EL AVIÓN =D*
y la wea llegó a las 7.25
la wea se fue como con 7 personas y hecha un peo
iwal llegamos como un cuarto pa las 8
(el avion salia 5 pa las 8)
y no terminaaaaa xD
llegué al counter (tenia el checkin listo, por suerte)
y me dijeron "no, el avión ya zarpó"
no, pero iwal me dio el boleto y me dijo "si alcanzas, te subes"
pregunté "¿me van a esperar?"
y corri como nunca en la vida con mis tres bolsos que juntos pesan 40 kilos
me llamaban al celular y pa pasar me saqué la chaqueta por la prisa
ni squiera me la puse de nuevo, agarré las weas y corri
y sonaba el celular y colgaban mis audifonos (que perdi el protector de uno xd)
corri hasta en las escaleras electricas
y JUUUUUUUUUUUUUSTO!!!!!!! llegué al subir el último pasajero
la azafata me dijo "eres la última" y yo =D* (hecha mierda)
tuve que subir con todos mis bolsos al avión
y por suerte, me pude sentar (ya habian empezado a correr el video xd)
resultado: mori mil años =D*
tengo la espalda hecha mierda por los bolsos
Y no quiero entrar en detalles, es eso a grandes rasgos.
¿Cómo estuvo su 10 y11?
H (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaay)
primero, fui a buscar mi entrada de madonna al hoyts de la reina
estuve 3 PUTAS HORAS esperando
y al llegar, me dijeron que tenia que ir a buscarlo a otro local
colapsé un ratito =D*
fui al dicho lugar, en provi
y me dijeron "no, la tienes que venir a recoger el 6"
no sabia si reir o llorar xd
de ahi, volvi a hacer mi bolso
no habia ni tomado desayuno
supuestamente mi papá me iba a ir a dejar al aeropuerto
pero me llamó a las 5.30 (tenia que estar allá a las 7) y me dijo que aun no pasaba locomocion asi que me fuera en transfer
todos estaban o copados o no atendian de inmediato
asi que guardando todo lo que me quedaba a la mala, me tuve que ir en taxi hasta el metro
pero nooooooooooooo
no era suficiente
habia partido
estaban todas las calles con un taco increible
llegar hasta matta nos tomó como 45 min
y no termina
llegamos a pajaritos
pregunté a quien sea dónde tomar el bus al aeropuerto (ese, centropuerto)
me dijeron
me senté
y la wea NO LLEGABA NUNCA!!!!!!!!!!
eran las 7.20!!!!!!
el abordaje era a las 7.20!
yo ya habia gastado como 10 lucas en taxi
y no queria gastar más
pero ya taba que gritaba
más encima que acarreando el estres de todo el dia, y el sueño donde NO ALCANZABA EL AVIÓN =D*
y la wea llegó a las 7.25
la wea se fue como con 7 personas y hecha un peo
iwal llegamos como un cuarto pa las 8
(el avion salia 5 pa las 8)
y no terminaaaaa xD
llegué al counter (tenia el checkin listo, por suerte)
y me dijeron "no, el avión ya zarpó"
no, pero iwal me dio el boleto y me dijo "si alcanzas, te subes"
pregunté "¿me van a esperar?"
y corri como nunca en la vida con mis tres bolsos que juntos pesan 40 kilos
me llamaban al celular y pa pasar me saqué la chaqueta por la prisa
ni squiera me la puse de nuevo, agarré las weas y corri
y sonaba el celular y colgaban mis audifonos (que perdi el protector de uno xd)
corri hasta en las escaleras electricas
y JUUUUUUUUUUUUUSTO!!!!!!! llegué al subir el último pasajero
la azafata me dijo "eres la última" y yo =D* (hecha mierda)
tuve que subir con todos mis bolsos al avión
y por suerte, me pude sentar (ya habian empezado a correr el video xd)
resultado: mori mil años =D*
tengo la espalda hecha mierda por los bolsos
Y no quiero entrar en detalles, es eso a grandes rasgos.
¿Cómo estuvo su 10 y11?
H (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaay)
viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008
There was this boy...
... Who I had a crush on. For a looooooooooooong time. No, trust me, a VERY long time (of course, I won't say how much... the cypher is way too high and embarassing... Gawd, I was SUCH a looser back in that time - Heh, who says I'm not one now too?).
So, this guy. Now I can tell he is very similar to my dad, and, um, sorry but I do not want to have a mate like him. Nothing personal, dad, I just think we don't get along enough for me. Also, I absolutely love his name - It's common, but not usual, and it rises above the others easily. And that's HORRIBLE, because now, every time I hear it or read it, it reminds me of him and I go liek NOOOOOOOEZ and look aside immediately. His dad has the same name, so his family calls him for his second name (he has three - that's freaky, right?). I rofled my ass off when I first heard it in his home, and every time I called him for x reasons. I just can't get used to it, it's just so not like him.
Well, whatever. How did I meet him? In school (it was my third change since 1st grade, and this time, it wasn't about money: I wanted a new atmosphere, so I told my parents, once, when we were in the car, I was lying down in the back seat, dad was driving, mom was beside him, they both were talking, in Angamos esq. Av. Bulnes, when the lights went red, that I wanted to go to another school - yeah, I remember this kind of things very vividly). I did NOT notice him for, about... let's see, a month? Two, maybe? After I arrived there. Well, let's say I wasn't interested in anything but Sailor Moon at the time (It was around 5th grade), and he wasn't all that cute (In fact, I see pictures of him now, and I go liek "OMGWTH?! Was he REALLY like this?! ... ewwww").
As I was saying, I did not know of his existence, not once heard him talk during classes or anything. What happened was that a friend of mine (she knows who she is - I don't blame her -completely-, but, meh...), who will be referenced as 'J' (lol now everyone knows xD), pointed at him during a boooooooring english class, and said: "I like that boy". He was sitting in the third center row of the classroom, besides a now mutual friend of ours (For future references, let's call him 'D'). She added: "He's cute, and really smart". I couldn't agree nor anything, all I could see was the back of his head (we were on the left side of the classroom, in one of the last rows, it was raining softly).
How the hell do I remember all of this? xDDDDDD
The next thing is very embarassing and really inherent to how old I was, so just laugh at it.
When she said that, I thought about something I think my pops said when I was youngER: "The boy you like doesn't have to be a muscle-head (Of course, they said this in kid language, I just recall the fact and translated it), he has to be smart too -- And cute" finalized my mom (L).
---I did add something here, but it was erased. Thank you very much, Blogger.---
So, having that in mind, aaaaaaand wanting to be accepted by her and her friends (yeah, stupid me, you don't do that -.- ), I said the following-ish: "Oh, so, like, then, I like him too".
................. MAN, that was idiotic.
... And stupid young-me screwed it up... WORSE. Yeah. Yeah, she waited till the whole class was lined up outside, waiting for the Ring to go home, and said--no, YELLED in front of EVERYBODY that, now, she liked that boy.
May I add to that note that this boy was like, a feet away from her? And heard the screaming?
............................................ *Sigh* Oh, damn...
Ok, the whole thing was just a joke up until 7th grade. THEN I started to "really" like him. And he had gotten prettier too - Thank gawd for that.
... I just realized that I did say how long I liked him... You just have to do the math.
F' it.
Besides, I envied him for being such a brain. ¬¬
I remember that once (and this time is where I screwed up the MOST, but, of course, I didn't realize it until later, and no one did anything to stop me, and, I mean, c'mon, there were SO many times where ANYONE could have come, slap me in the face, and say "STFU!!!"... but nooooooooo, you just stood there When I remember this, yeah, I hate you all. But just when. I love you :3), he invited me out of the blue to play Pokémon - yes, POKÉMON - in his home. I was like "(HOLLY BALLZ!!!!!! D= ) Sure! =) ".
I went, his house was terribly quiet ._. I was so scared. I'm used to be in a noisy place, that being music, things moving, yelling, whatever, but SOMETHING. I hate those houses where you can't even walk without the whole house finding out. Well, anyway, we went to the second floor, and to the cleaning room, where his PC was - lol? - and we played on one of my cds, I think. Pokémon Gold, maybe.
Umm, I don't remember how many hours we were playing, but I do remember two punctual things: In one moment, he rested his chin (which means, his - big - head's weight) on my own head. I was SO liek WTF that I stopped playing for a second, but I quickly regained control. I still don't know why the hell he did that. I mean, was it a signal? Did I miss it? And why didn't he bring a chair to sit beside me, or anywhere? Did he like to be standing up all day?... What a freak =D (Look who's talking, DUH). The second thing was that, when mom (I think ô_ó) picked me up, he was like "Ok" and stayed playing without saying goodbye. I got all nervous and (duh this is sweet and dumb at the same time) I couldn't bring myself to kiss him good-bye, so I - looooool - patted him in the head, messed up his hair (first time touching it too, it was soft :3, but I'm pretty sure it was dirty xDDDD), said "Bye bye", and almost tripped while running down the stairs, COMPLETELY BLUSHED. His mom and dad loved me, though (I was very sweet with them) - why does that remind me of Yukino? =D*
... Ugh, I don't want to say this... Here's the mistake: Me and my mom returned home and I ran to play Pokémon too. I was battling against Ash, and I oh so hated him (till now) because he killed me with just his Snorlax in less than two minutes. I talked about it with him when I was in his home, before. So when I attempted like for the 20th time to kill at least his god-damn Snorlax, and I did, I gave him a call, telling him about it (I was SO shaking). If you think that's bad, wait till you hear the rest. When I defeated two of his pokémon, I called him again. And again. Three. Fucking. Times. I was gonna call him a fourth, when I defeated the s.o.a.b., but it was dinner time, so I stalled it and eventually forgot about it, thank gawd. Damn, what would I give to return to that time and CUT THE FUCKING TELEPHONE CORD!!!!!! And mabye slap me in the face a little and be like "STFU and finish da damn game!!"... But now that I think about it, maybe I would have ended up in a mad house, claiming that someone that looked like me cut the telephone wire, slapped me across the face and spitted me while yelling incoherences. =D*
Anyhow.................... Nothing happened after that. I don't think he even remembers that. We went into another "you're my classmate, but we don't even say hello to each other" stage, but I didn't care that much. I really liked to glance at him and stare at him when I was bored or distracted in class.
The years passed, and he became hot =D* I mean, really hot. But it wasn't until 10th grade (2º medio) that I started to think that way - I was kind of a little girl still on that period.
Oh, yeah, as a footnote: I liked another guy when I was on 8th. Of course, no one will EVER know who he is. But things happened, he was on another class, never talked to him, didn't ever know his name, then he liked a friend of mine... blah. I didn't like him that much, anyway. I just found him cute :3 I still do =D But I haven't told him. And I won't. There's no need to, cuz that was a long time ago. And I don't want to freak him out (which I know that it WILL totally happen if I ever do).
And another footnote: No, I almost never spoke a word with him. If the chance was given (like, assignments and stuff, that, karma-like, were a ridiculously HUGE amount of times that things like that happened ¬¬, specially ), we would have smalltalk, and that was it. I didn't mind, though. It was hard as hell to talk to him, to even look at him in the eyes.
I loved his eyes. They were brown, but very dark and deep. They hid so many things that I wanted to know. I was afraid I would get lost in his eyes if I stared at him for too long.
In 9th grade, I thought my family was getting transfered to another city, so, in the last day of class, everyone said good-bye to me. A pair of twins that were on our class also were leaving to... some... city... whatever, the point is that one of the twins had been his girlfriend... and the other one too :S He was a player, I admit it. I hated her both AND him, kissing and tounging in front of the whiteboard - I mean, c'mon! I'm working and you're all over the place! xP
Ok, so, we were all going. And another two people. Almost everyone was really sad and / or crying... I don't remember much of what happened though, thank gawd I wrote it down that same day - except for the fact that he hugged me so tight, my sweater was impregned in his scent, and it lasted the whole day... It was soooooooo nice.
So now... I'm looking for the written thingi... and I don't have it... I'm asking my mom for it... She doesn't have it eithet... I think I'm gonna cry... OMG I FOUND IT!!!!! Ok, mood setting: Everyone was crying, really, really sad. I was dwelling about leaving or staying in the classroom on the inside. Suddenly, like, everyone came up to me and hugged me, a lot. Several friends of mine were all crying, and red, and they could barely talk. I didn't want to cry over a class that didn't ever made me feel welcome or comfortable about myself, but seeing 'G' cry was so fucking overwhelming that I couldn't resist to sob in his shoulder as he sobbed in mine.
After a series of bye byes (sidenote: there was a frikin ROW to say good-bye to us, specially to me), he approached. He was all teary, red faced and sobby!!! I wanted to pet him so bad...! I hugged him tight, as he said (quote on spanish):
- Pucha, Stephy... Que lata que te vas... Te va a ir muy bien... Te quiero mucho... Consigue más amigos, hazte un grupo más grande... no nos olvides... ¿Ya?
... I mean, DUDE. "Te quiero mucho". O.M.G. DUDE!!!! I remember I froze the moment I heard it. I was, literally, BLOWN OUT. When I regained conciousness, he was still talking - or trying to, he still was sobby like, and could barely put together a sentence propperly -, and I hugged him tighter.
And, dude, now that I re-read it, liek omg lots of friends? Bigger group? Otredad? lol
That was sweeeeeet. The next year, I came back (I never went anywhere =D*) like nothing had happened, and the only person that asked me wth was the midget 'S'. She went like "weren't you leaving?" and I went like "Yeah, but I didn't". And that was it.
=D* Totally.
I like english.
Then, blah blah blah. Another point that I remember was that on 11th grade, when I was introduced to Naruto for the first time. It was awesome, I spent the whole weekend surfing through the manga pages, with sparkes in my eyes and potato chips in my mouth.
I promise this has a point.
The thing is, mondays were gym days that year. That monday, we had to do the un-frikin-believable-murder-weapon NAVETA test. I did it, 1.30 min.. Yeah, I'm not proud of it, but I'm still alive, aren't I? Hah. OK, first, women. Then, the guys. It was so bloody funny to watch them xD The nine minutes cleared and whoever was still standing, collapsed to the ground, pancing heavilly, including him. I was gone and all, very asdasd-ish, and, suddenly, he fell on his back and lied on the floor, holding his head, with a very tired smile on his face, and his hair fell with him by gravity: In that exact instant, his hair floating down, his face, all of him - HE TURNED INTO FRIKIN SASUKE!!!!!!!!!! I ALMOST JUMPED OUT OF MY SEAT AND SCREAMED "NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!" but, thank J.C.A., I didn't. I just screamed my lungs out on my head and stared at him, like "No fucking way" for the entire damn day. Of course, he didn't once found out that I stared at him - ever.
It took me about x time to figure out that he indeed IS (or was) a Sasuke in the flesh. So, yea, to everyone out there who wanna have a real Sasuke, there he is. And to think I had the chance to be with Sasuke, duh xD
No, but really. He was ALL Sasuke. His personality, his looks, his heigh lol, everything. And maybe he's the reason I like him - Yeah, who is who and shit XD And mabyeeeeee... that's why I like nami86's fanarts (check her gallery and you'll see what I mean: [link] and, um... there's mature content, so ummm... =D*), kukukukuku.
Dato freak: We were going to do the dubs for Naruto (before the latin version ever came out) with a group of friends, and I was going to be Sakura (despite I hated her at the time).
So... SasuSaku? Asdasdasd Yeah, naughty naughty Hana =D*
Did I mention he was hotter when he was practicing Tai Chi? Gawd, those were the finest moments of the week *drools*.
Um... What were we talking about again? xDDDDDDDDD
Oh, and... That's it? What, you wanna know how it ended? Ok, but this is the short ver., I prefer to remember the pleasant moments more -.-
I told him, I got tired of waiting and I didn't want to be stuck with the "what if...?" question for all eternity - besides, if he never spoke to me again, it wouldn't be such a big deal, I mean, we never spoke to begin with. What I loved about that time is that his shell, his armor, his protection, his appearance of "hey, I'm cool, I let nothing get to me" fell apart, literally broke in front of me, and I enjoyed staring at the pieces fall one by one, through his eyes - and I still wonder, he really didn't know? As smart as he was, he never noticed something weird?
He said, umm, thank you. LOL. And he added the following: "B-but... umm... I'm already seeing somebody... It was supposed to be a secret, we've been going out for two months now". I was like "Umm, I didn't want to know that? I didn't ask you to be my boyfriend, either. Why did you bring that up?" With this face: ¬¬
And he never spoke to me again =D* Not even in our class trip, not even before / after the PSU, outside the building, not even when we got in the same university, not even when I asked for his help when I had to go to his faculty for a class (since then, I kinda despise him), not even when we bumped into each other in Winter's Carnival (and since then, I kinda hate him for being such an ass) and stared at me with a look that said "And what do I do with you?" when we (friends & I) were leaving. I saw him again, last year (or was it in January?) for a class reunion camping. He was all "hey, wazzup" - Not to mention, he threw me a volleyball and hit me right on the face and head TWICE . I recorded some of that meeting, and it was going to last around 3 days 2 nights, but I got sick on the first night, thank you very much, and went home around 7am (as soon as I could), because I couldn't sleep at all. I don't even remember what happened to me xD
And that's pretty much it. I don't think I discovered something new...
Maybe if I re-read it XD
But not now. I have to format my PC, cuz he's dying slowly and painfully as I write this (oh, and btw, this took me 2 days =D). I'll start picking up the pieces of my heart.
Oh, and no, no one can use this story to do ANYTHING! A film, a photo, a picture, a novel, a speech, an equation, not even to quote. This has no fucking use for no one but me, ok? Or there'll be legal consecuences ¬¬ Don't say I didn't warn you.
Ok, bye now. =D
So, this guy. Now I can tell he is very similar to my dad, and, um, sorry but I do not want to have a mate like him. Nothing personal, dad, I just think we don't get along enough for me. Also, I absolutely love his name - It's common, but not usual, and it rises above the others easily. And that's HORRIBLE, because now, every time I hear it or read it, it reminds me of him and I go liek NOOOOOOOEZ and look aside immediately. His dad has the same name, so his family calls him for his second name (he has three - that's freaky, right?). I rofled my ass off when I first heard it in his home, and every time I called him for x reasons. I just can't get used to it, it's just so not like him.
Well, whatever. How did I meet him? In school (it was my third change since 1st grade, and this time, it wasn't about money: I wanted a new atmosphere, so I told my parents, once, when we were in the car, I was lying down in the back seat, dad was driving, mom was beside him, they both were talking, in Angamos esq. Av. Bulnes, when the lights went red, that I wanted to go to another school - yeah, I remember this kind of things very vividly). I did NOT notice him for, about... let's see, a month? Two, maybe? After I arrived there. Well, let's say I wasn't interested in anything but Sailor Moon at the time (It was around 5th grade), and he wasn't all that cute (In fact, I see pictures of him now, and I go liek "OMGWTH?! Was he REALLY like this?! ... ewwww").
As I was saying, I did not know of his existence, not once heard him talk during classes or anything. What happened was that a friend of mine (she knows who she is - I don't blame her -completely-, but, meh...), who will be referenced as 'J' (lol now everyone knows xD), pointed at him during a boooooooring english class, and said: "I like that boy". He was sitting in the third center row of the classroom, besides a now mutual friend of ours (For future references, let's call him 'D'). She added: "He's cute, and really smart". I couldn't agree nor anything, all I could see was the back of his head (we were on the left side of the classroom, in one of the last rows, it was raining softly).
How the hell do I remember all of this? xDDDDDD
The next thing is very embarassing and really inherent to how old I was, so just laugh at it.
When she said that, I thought about something I think my pops said when I was youngER: "The boy you like doesn't have to be a muscle-head (Of course, they said this in kid language, I just recall the fact and translated it), he has to be smart too -- And cute" finalized my mom (L).
---I did add something here, but it was erased. Thank you very much, Blogger.---
So, having that in mind, aaaaaaand wanting to be accepted by her and her friends (yeah, stupid me, you don't do that -.- ), I said the following-ish: "Oh, so, like, then, I like him too".
................. MAN, that was idiotic.
... And stupid young-me screwed it up... WORSE. Yeah. Yeah, she waited till the whole class was lined up outside, waiting for the Ring to go home, and said--no, YELLED in front of EVERYBODY that, now, she liked that boy.
May I add to that note that this boy was like, a feet away from her? And heard the screaming?
............................................ *Sigh* Oh, damn...
Ok, the whole thing was just a joke up until 7th grade. THEN I started to "really" like him. And he had gotten prettier too - Thank gawd for that.
... I just realized that I did say how long I liked him... You just have to do the math.
F' it.
Besides, I envied him for being such a brain. ¬¬
I remember that once (and this time is where I screwed up the MOST, but, of course, I didn't realize it until later, and no one did anything to stop me, and, I mean, c'mon, there were SO many times where ANYONE could have come, slap me in the face, and say "STFU!!!"... but nooooooooo, you just stood there When I remember this, yeah, I hate you all. But just when. I love you :3), he invited me out of the blue to play Pokémon - yes, POKÉMON - in his home. I was like "(HOLLY BALLZ!!!!!! D= ) Sure! =) ".
I went, his house was terribly quiet ._. I was so scared. I'm used to be in a noisy place, that being music, things moving, yelling, whatever, but SOMETHING. I hate those houses where you can't even walk without the whole house finding out. Well, anyway, we went to the second floor, and to the cleaning room, where his PC was - lol? - and we played on one of my cds, I think. Pokémon Gold, maybe.
Umm, I don't remember how many hours we were playing, but I do remember two punctual things: In one moment, he rested his chin (which means, his - big - head's weight) on my own head. I was SO liek WTF that I stopped playing for a second, but I quickly regained control. I still don't know why the hell he did that. I mean, was it a signal? Did I miss it? And why didn't he bring a chair to sit beside me, or anywhere? Did he like to be standing up all day?... What a freak =D (Look who's talking, DUH). The second thing was that, when mom (I think ô_ó) picked me up, he was like "Ok" and stayed playing without saying goodbye. I got all nervous and (duh this is sweet and dumb at the same time) I couldn't bring myself to kiss him good-bye, so I - looooool - patted him in the head, messed up his hair (first time touching it too, it was soft :3, but I'm pretty sure it was dirty xDDDD), said "Bye bye", and almost tripped while running down the stairs, COMPLETELY BLUSHED. His mom and dad loved me, though (I was very sweet with them) - why does that remind me of Yukino? =D*
... Ugh, I don't want to say this... Here's the mistake: Me and my mom returned home and I ran to play Pokémon too. I was battling against Ash, and I oh so hated him (till now) because he killed me with just his Snorlax in less than two minutes. I talked about it with him when I was in his home, before. So when I attempted like for the 20th time to kill at least his god-damn Snorlax, and I did, I gave him a call, telling him about it (I was SO shaking). If you think that's bad, wait till you hear the rest. When I defeated two of his pokémon, I called him again. And again. Three. Fucking. Times. I was gonna call him a fourth, when I defeated the s.o.a.b., but it was dinner time, so I stalled it and eventually forgot about it, thank gawd. Damn, what would I give to return to that time and CUT THE FUCKING TELEPHONE CORD!!!!!! And mabye slap me in the face a little and be like "STFU and finish da damn game!!"... But now that I think about it, maybe I would have ended up in a mad house, claiming that someone that looked like me cut the telephone wire, slapped me across the face and spitted me while yelling incoherences. =D*
Anyhow.................... Nothing happened after that. I don't think he even remembers that. We went into another "you're my classmate, but we don't even say hello to each other" stage, but I didn't care that much. I really liked to glance at him and stare at him when I was bored or distracted in class.
The years passed, and he became hot =D* I mean, really hot. But it wasn't until 10th grade (2º medio) that I started to think that way - I was kind of a little girl still on that period.
Oh, yeah, as a footnote: I liked another guy when I was on 8th. Of course, no one will EVER know who he is. But things happened, he was on another class, never talked to him, didn't ever know his name, then he liked a friend of mine... blah. I didn't like him that much, anyway. I just found him cute :3 I still do =D But I haven't told him. And I won't. There's no need to, cuz that was a long time ago. And I don't want to freak him out (which I know that it WILL totally happen if I ever do).
And another footnote: No, I almost never spoke a word with him. If the chance was given (like, assignments and stuff, that, karma-like, were a ridiculously HUGE amount of times that things like that happened ¬¬, specially ), we would have smalltalk, and that was it. I didn't mind, though. It was hard as hell to talk to him, to even look at him in the eyes.
I loved his eyes. They were brown, but very dark and deep. They hid so many things that I wanted to know. I was afraid I would get lost in his eyes if I stared at him for too long.
In 9th grade, I thought my family was getting transfered to another city, so, in the last day of class, everyone said good-bye to me. A pair of twins that were on our class also were leaving to... some... city... whatever, the point is that one of the twins had been his girlfriend... and the other one too :S He was a player, I admit it. I hated her both AND him, kissing and tounging in front of the whiteboard - I mean, c'mon! I'm working and you're all over the place! xP
Ok, so, we were all going. And another two people. Almost everyone was really sad and / or crying... I don't remember much of what happened though, thank gawd I wrote it down that same day - except for the fact that he hugged me so tight, my sweater was impregned in his scent, and it lasted the whole day... It was soooooooo nice.
So now... I'm looking for the written thingi... and I don't have it... I'm asking my mom for it... She doesn't have it eithet... I think I'm gonna cry... OMG I FOUND IT!!!!! Ok, mood setting: Everyone was crying, really, really sad. I was dwelling about leaving or staying in the classroom on the inside. Suddenly, like, everyone came up to me and hugged me, a lot. Several friends of mine were all crying, and red, and they could barely talk. I didn't want to cry over a class that didn't ever made me feel welcome or comfortable about myself, but seeing 'G' cry was so fucking overwhelming that I couldn't resist to sob in his shoulder as he sobbed in mine.
After a series of bye byes (sidenote: there was a frikin ROW to say good-bye to us, specially to me), he approached. He was all teary, red faced and sobby!!! I wanted to pet him so bad...! I hugged him tight, as he said (quote on spanish):
- Pucha, Stephy... Que lata que te vas... Te va a ir muy bien... Te quiero mucho... Consigue más amigos, hazte un grupo más grande... no nos olvides... ¿Ya?
... I mean, DUDE. "Te quiero mucho". O.M.G. DUDE!!!! I remember I froze the moment I heard it. I was, literally, BLOWN OUT. When I regained conciousness, he was still talking - or trying to, he still was sobby like, and could barely put together a sentence propperly -, and I hugged him tighter.
And, dude, now that I re-read it, liek omg lots of friends? Bigger group? Otredad? lol
That was sweeeeeet. The next year, I came back (I never went anywhere =D*) like nothing had happened, and the only person that asked me wth was the midget 'S'. She went like "weren't you leaving?" and I went like "Yeah, but I didn't". And that was it.
=D* Totally.
I like english.
Then, blah blah blah. Another point that I remember was that on 11th grade, when I was introduced to Naruto for the first time. It was awesome, I spent the whole weekend surfing through the manga pages, with sparkes in my eyes and potato chips in my mouth.
I promise this has a point.
The thing is, mondays were gym days that year. That monday, we had to do the un-frikin-believable-murder-weapon NAVETA test. I did it, 1.30 min.. Yeah, I'm not proud of it, but I'm still alive, aren't I? Hah. OK, first, women. Then, the guys. It was so bloody funny to watch them xD The nine minutes cleared and whoever was still standing, collapsed to the ground, pancing heavilly, including him. I was gone and all, very asdasd-ish, and, suddenly, he fell on his back and lied on the floor, holding his head, with a very tired smile on his face, and his hair fell with him by gravity: In that exact instant, his hair floating down, his face, all of him - HE TURNED INTO FRIKIN SASUKE!!!!!!!!!! I ALMOST JUMPED OUT OF MY SEAT AND SCREAMED "NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!" but, thank J.C.A., I didn't. I just screamed my lungs out on my head and stared at him, like "No fucking way" for the entire damn day. Of course, he didn't once found out that I stared at him - ever.
It took me about x time to figure out that he indeed IS (or was) a Sasuke in the flesh. So, yea, to everyone out there who wanna have a real Sasuke, there he is. And to think I had the chance to be with Sasuke, duh xD
No, but really. He was ALL Sasuke. His personality, his looks, his heigh lol, everything. And maybe he's the reason I like him - Yeah, who is who and shit XD And mabyeeeeee... that's why I like nami86's fanarts (check her gallery and you'll see what I mean: [link] and, um... there's mature content, so ummm... =D*), kukukukuku.
Dato freak: We were going to do the dubs for Naruto (before the latin version ever came out) with a group of friends, and I was going to be Sakura (despite I hated her at the time).
So... SasuSaku? Asdasdasd Yeah, naughty naughty Hana =D*
Did I mention he was hotter when he was practicing Tai Chi? Gawd, those were the finest moments of the week *drools*.
Um... What were we talking about again? xDDDDDDDDD
Oh, and... That's it? What, you wanna know how it ended? Ok, but this is the short ver., I prefer to remember the pleasant moments more -.-
I told him, I got tired of waiting and I didn't want to be stuck with the "what if...?" question for all eternity - besides, if he never spoke to me again, it wouldn't be such a big deal, I mean, we never spoke to begin with. What I loved about that time is that his shell, his armor, his protection, his appearance of "hey, I'm cool, I let nothing get to me" fell apart, literally broke in front of me, and I enjoyed staring at the pieces fall one by one, through his eyes - and I still wonder, he really didn't know? As smart as he was, he never noticed something weird?
He said, umm, thank you. LOL. And he added the following: "B-but... umm... I'm already seeing somebody... It was supposed to be a secret, we've been going out for two months now". I was like "Umm, I didn't want to know that? I didn't ask you to be my boyfriend, either. Why did you bring that up?" With this face: ¬¬
And he never spoke to me again =D* Not even in our class trip, not even before / after the PSU, outside the building, not even when we got in the same university, not even when I asked for his help when I had to go to his faculty for a class (since then, I kinda despise him), not even when we bumped into each other in Winter's Carnival (and since then, I kinda hate him for being such an ass) and stared at me with a look that said "And what do I do with you?" when we (friends & I) were leaving. I saw him again, last year (or was it in January?) for a class reunion camping. He was all "hey, wazzup" - Not to mention, he threw me a volleyball and hit me right on the face and head TWICE . I recorded some of that meeting, and it was going to last around 3 days 2 nights, but I got sick on the first night, thank you very much, and went home around 7am (as soon as I could), because I couldn't sleep at all. I don't even remember what happened to me xD
And that's pretty much it. I don't think I discovered something new...
Maybe if I re-read it XD
But not now. I have to format my PC, cuz he's dying slowly and painfully as I write this (oh, and btw, this took me 2 days =D). I'll start picking up the pieces of my heart.
Oh, and no, no one can use this story to do ANYTHING! A film, a photo, a picture, a novel, a speech, an equation, not even to quote. This has no fucking use for no one but me, ok? Or there'll be legal consecuences ¬¬ Don't say I didn't warn you.
Ok, bye now. =D
martes, 2 de septiembre de 2008
Obsesión - Cortometraje
Uuuuuuuuuy la wea vieja xD
Aún me gusta :3
Ni me acuerdo =D
~Hana Dawn
PD: No olviden visitar mis galerías ¬¬
PD2: Uuuuuy entrada 69 =D*
PD3: EMO mode (still) ON
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