lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010


Let me tell you some wise words a good man told me some time ago:

"You can change whatever, whenever and as many times as you want,
but always remember to breathe: you'll always be you.
It depends on your choices and your very soul who you end up being
(most of the time, we all have an error ratio, heh).
And there's only one you, so also remember to love yourself."

So, what I'm trying to say is, be whoever you want to be, you'll always be you.
And if you don't like something about yourself, change it so you do,
or simply accept your own flaws and see the bright side about them.

Deep inside, you know who you want to be, who you don't want to be,
but most importantly, who you are.

Just follow your heart.

That's the very best advice I can give you, at least.

Hay cuatro cosas importantes a las que venimos a este mundo:
Uno, ser felices.
Dos, amar.
Tres, aprender.
Y cuatro, dejar huella.
- Coco Legrand, 2010.